Building & Church Surveys
CBAS has extensive experience with building and church surveys.
​Building Surveys
​We undertake all levels of archaeological standing building surveys and can also prepare statements of significance on buildings for planning purposes.
​CBAS undertakes building surveys at the following levels, as per the English Heritage guidelines*:
​Level 1: Basic visual record
Level 2: Descriptive record
Level 3: Analytical record
Level 4: Comprehensive analytical record
*Understanding Historic Buildings:
A Guide to Good Recording Practice, English Heritage.
​Church Surveys
CBAS Limited has carried out archaeological work at a number of churches, including a Heritage Lottery funded project at Old St. Helen’s Church, Hastings.
​CBAS is available for watching briefs, excavation and recording work in churches. A member of our team, Rachel Butler , has always had a great interest in Churches, and since becoming an archaeologist has been able to combine this interest in the fabric of churches with her archaeological practice.
Rachel is currently working on a guide to Sussex Churches.
If you require further information about any of these services, please get in touch.